These movies were taken on Super 8 film by Lee Lowry and various cinematographic associates from 1966 through about 1979. The film amounts to almost 4,000 feet (over 3 gigabites of data). I recently had the film transferred to digital media for long term storage and the ability to actually enjoy the images. The movies are slightly grainy but generally very good and there is no sound.
I have listed the movies in chronological order to the best of my knowledge.
Clicking on each title below should start the video playing on your computer. If it doesn't, right click and download the movie. These are "mp4" files.
1966 (The World According to Eric)
1966-68 (Christmas, Life on the Farm, Storybook Forrest, Fallingwater, and oh yeah, Mardi)
1968-70 (More Mardi, Vernon, Lois and Da Gang, Marcy and Rudy's Wedding)
1967 (Mostly vacation - go to about 18 minutes into the movie for Farm and Lowry picnic pics)
More to come!